The Player's Guide to Foundry

Player's Guide Part 1 Thumbnail - The UI

Player’s Guide to the User Interface in Foundry VTT

Let me guess: Your DM has been raving about this thing called Foundry VTT for a couple weeks now and they’ve decided to start a game online or switch your game from Roll20, Astral, or Fantasy Grounds over to it. Now you have got to learn how to play online for the first time or…

Foundry Player's Guide Token UI and Movement Thumbnail

Player’s Guide to Token UI and Movement in Foundry VTT

Now that we’ve covered the basic user interface of Foundry VTT, we’re going to dig into your token’s UI, as well as how to move your token around maps. Be sure to check out the rest of the Player’s Guides for information on your character sheet, combat, rolling dice, reading and writing journals, and controlling…

Foundry Player's Guide Thumbnail - The Character Sheet

Player’s Guide to the Character Sheet in Foundry VTT

And now, for the core of TTRPGs: The character sheet. This will look different depending on what game system you’re using and any mods your DM might have running, but if you’re playing 5th Edition D&D like me, this is basically what you’ll see. Regardless of system, a lot of the controls we’ll go over…

Foundry Player's Guide Thumbnail - Combat

Player’s Guide to Combat in Foundry VTT

Now that we’ve covered the UI, movement, and the character sheet, let’s take a look at putting it all together in MORTAL KOMBAT. This is all going to be done using core Foundry functionality with no automation modules. Your DM may be using some to automate or quicken combat so not all of this may apply…

Foundry Player's Guide Thumbnail - Chat & Webcam

Player’s Guide to Chat & Webcams in Foundry VTT

By now, we’ve gone over just about every major part of Foundry’s UI and functionality that you’ll need to be familiar with as a player. The last two important pieces to cover are using the chat, including whispering and rolling dice, and Foundry’s built-in audio/video chat.